Chatting with powderpuff captains

Powderpuff Captains

Dorian Manney

What will you take from your experience as a powderpuff captain?

“Full of ups and downs to win the game.”

What did you enjoy the most?  Specifically.

“Coaching team three and making the final play of the game.”

Why did you become a powderpuff captain?

“I was coach last year, and I wanted do it this year with the same team from last year.”

Darius Manney

Why did you become a powderpuff captain?

“I was coach last year, but I became coach to enjoy my last with my peers in a fun activity.”

What will you take from your experience as a powderpuff captain?

“I learned to control a large amount of people and [how to] win the game.”

How did you train the girls?

“Every practice we just competed and had fun.”

Brian Tape

What will you take from your experience as a powderpuff captain?

“It’s very time consuming. But having the time to work with everyone and see them happy was a nice reward. Since we won it made it better.”

Why did you become a powderpuff captain?

“Because I like coaching people in things that interest me, and I was coach last year, so I wanted to make a return.”

How did you train the girls?

“We had them at different stations to work on their fundamentals and then scrimmaged the rest of practice.”