Lacrosse Rebecca Wejman

Isabella Ghahtani, Staff Writer

What motivated your interest in lacrosse?

I had been wanting to play a sport that I’ve never tried before. This motivated me to begin my lacrosse career.

How old were you when you started?

I was 14 when I first started.

Why did you join the lacrosse team?

I ran track in middle school, but I lost interest in high school. I then decided to join lacrosse after my dad suggested it.

What has the coach done for your team?

Coach Dubbins pushes us in the best way possible as she believes in the team. This allows us to really prove who we are on and off the field.

What are some responsibilities of being a senior on the team?

A big responsibility of being a senior is helping the new freshman. Most have never played before, so we make them feel welcome to be a part of the team.

What are some team goals?

We lost a lot of key players who were seniors last year, so our main goal this year is to learn how to adjust without them.

How has lacrosse affected your academics?

Practices are not long, and Coach Dubbins puts school before lacrosse when necessary, so our academics are not affected.

Is balancing lacrosse and school challenging?

It is somewhat challenging since practices can run later than usual, so procrastination is not an option.

Do you bond more with friends who play sports rather than friends who do not?

I seem to bond with friends who do not play lacrosse or other sports because it is easier to plan outings together.

Is it challenging to include all grade levels into team bonding activities?

At lacrosse, teammates do not really think about other ages, so it is not challenging unless it is outside of practice due to driving situations.