“Barbie,” directed by Greta Gerwig, is a once and a lifetime film that perfectly captures the beauty and pain of human emotion. While touching on serious topics such as the effects of the patriarchy, Barbie manages to balance this with its witty humor perfectly.
With award-winning films like “Lady Bird” and “Little Women” under her belt, Greta Gerwig excellently portrays the image of Barbie throughout the film. Across the entirety of the film, Greta illustrates through the usage of fine details the struggles Barbie, played by Margo Robbie, experiences throughout the movie.
This is executed exceptionally well in the scene where Barbie declares she is not good enough. Her struggle with finding her purpose while seeing every other Barbie fulfilling themselves in some extraordinary way is an experience many can relate to.
This scene perfectly leads into America Ferrara’s absolutely jaw-dropping speech on the struggle women face as a result of the patriarchy. The cadence of her voice and the very words she speaks are quite impactful.
Barbie is also insanely hilarious. From one-liners to well thought out dramatic dance numbers, this movie truly has it all.
The huge fight between all the Kens was just perfect, and the way it leads up to the extremely intricate dance number and Ryan Gosling’s excellently done “I’m Just Ken.”
The way all of this perfectly transitions into the incredibly emotional but still comedic exchange between Barbie and Ken, where she urges him to learn to exist and build his identity without her.
Finally, in the scene where Barbie and the creator of Mattel have their conversation, Barbie expresses the uncertainty she feels about her future. Billie Eilish’s “What Was I Made For?” pairs perfectly with this moment. The feelings that Barbie experiences, the good and the bad, are the final steps in her realization of wanting to become human. There is something very beautiful about that.
Words can hardly describe the positive effect this movie will have on generations of women everywhere.