Trick or treating is widely practiced in America, and is certainly a well-loved tradition. However, how many of these trick or treaters should be high schoolers? When does it go too far?
Some may say that high schoolers should have the right to trick or treat because they pass on traditions, however, high schoolers by nature typically have ill intentions. High schoolers should not be allowed to pass along malevolent traditions.
A person’s prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until they are 25 years old, the lack of development leads to a lack of rational thought.
Mix a holiday known for tricks with this irrationality along with peer pressure, and there will be consequences.
Even the innocence of trick or treating can get destroyed. Having a pack of wild teenagers roaming the neighborhood is not a good idea.
Peer pressure is a real issue for teens. It takes one bad apple to spoil the barrel. We all have one friend that is particularly wild and scheming. With their ideas amplified on a high-energy holiday, the worst is inevitable.
Then the domino effect begins, one person agrees to go along with the plan, and soon enough so does everybody. At that point, anything bad can happen. Think malicious pranks, stealing, and more.
Historically, trick or treating is targeted towards children. Teenagers swear, talk about mature topics, and in general do things unsuitable for children to witness. On Halloween, there is an abundance of children in neighborhoods. If teenagers start doing inappropriate things in front of the kids, there’s no barrier to protect the youngsters.
There are plenty of ways to celebrate Halloween without the tainted practice of trick or treating. Watching a scary movie with friends, passing out the candy instead, and going to a haunted house are all great ways to have a fun time on Halloween without affecting the well-being of the youth.
Everyone deserves to have a fun time on Halloween, and to ensure this, the youth and teenagers need to be separated for peak enjoyment.