Dear East and East Side News, 


It’s only been a year that I’ve started writing for the student newspaper, but in that year I’ve grown to learn so much. To be able to have worked with Mrs. Munsie and the entire journalism team has been such a pleasure and many regrets for not joining journalism the moment I stepped foot here at East. Admittedly, I joined on a bit of a whim, not thinking much of it. Some lousy articles and many, many misplaced commas and apostrophes later, I got first at sectionals and qualified for state. It’s technically my greatest achievement in my entire four years here at school, but having worked with all my amazing peers is what I’ll look back at most fondly.

I often think about what my high school career would’ve looked like if I started doing things earlier. If only I started studying earlier; started taking my work more seriously; started clubs and sports sooner; where would I be? The message here, I suppose, is that there’s no point in not trying. Maybe I’d still be here where I am now, writing this final letter of goodbye; maybe I’d be on my way to become the greatest journalist to ever-live. Probably not, but getting out there and trying at least gets my foot in the door. If you have a love or a passion, then get out there and do it. There’s nothing stopping you except you.

Michael Jordan famously once said, “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” 

So while I’m sad to say it’s over, I’m glad it’s only over for me. East Side News has a bright future ahead, and I wish everyone here the best of luck.

I want to thank everyone who has ever supported me or has simply been a part of my life. Thank you Mrs. Munsie for your confidence and faith in me, and for also putting up with my awful habit of neglecting deadlines. Thank you Coach Dom, for not only helping me improve my game but for your constant encouragement and motivation in both my writing and tennis. Thank you to each and every one of my friends; I wish I could name and individually thank each one of you here but I’m scared that I wouldn’t stop, so I’ll just say thanks for all the laughs and good times.

Special shout out to Daniella for putting up with me during state. We might be state bums this year, but next year I know you’ll be state champ. Keep up the good work. 

And Mrs. Hornik, if you’re reading this, thank you for inspiring all of us here at East to become better writers. We miss you, always. Hope retirement is going well!