NEWS: New Year’s Resolutions
Every year on January 1st, we make New Year’s resolutions to achieve goals, fix a habit, or try something new. Some last for the whole year, and some barely make it until the end of January.
Yet, New Year’s resolutions have been around for ages, even though they looked slightly different than today, including when the year actually begins.
According to and many other sources, it was recorded that the ancient Babylonians were the first ones to begin the tradition of New Year’s resolutions. Their new year began in March, though. Then came the 12-day-long festival, known as Akitu, when they also crowned a new king or pledged their loyalty to the reigning king. Then, they pledged to pay back their debts, and if they failed to do so, then they would fall out of the gods’ favor, which would mean bad luck. Besides, Babylonians took their bad omens seriously.
Later, Julius Caesar slightly modified the tradition in 46 B.C. He established January 1st, named after the two-headed Roman god Janus, who they believed he can look both to the future and to the past with his two heads, which symbolizes looking back into the year before but also making better choices for a better new year.
Today, there is less of a religious aspect to New Year’s Day. Resolutions we make are also different, especially ones such as losing weight or eating healthier. These resolutions people make these days, along with others, are thanks to good old COVID-19. With people sitting at home, in front of their laptops for over two years, they were prone to being less active or eating more junk food. Now, they want to fix those habit and get back to a healthy lifestyle.
When I asked people about their resolutions, many said that they wanted to be healthier or become better people. Mine was to be more responsible and maintain my grades. Sadly, according to Forbes, 80% of people make resolutions, but only about 20% of people are able to keep them for the whole year. The rest barely make it until the end of January. Hopefully, their resolutions, along with mine, make it through the year. Rest assured, we have 4,000 years of practice in making them.

Hey PEHS!! My name is Saadia and I'm a freshman. I love reading, writing, badminton, and traveling. I'm also part of MSA and do taekwondo after school....