Lacrosse lifts in popularity, pride, passion

Lacrosse is the fastest rising sport in the United States, according to lacrosse news website
In the midst of this rise, the lacrosse season has started in Plainfield’s school district with a new girl’s head coach, Christian Pilapil.
Pilapil started coaching in 2015. After first getting into the sport, he said he knew there was an opportunity to coach and got involved locally.
Originally a soccer coach, Pilapil said he translates soccer well into the sport, using precision passing and tactical movement.
Sophomore Ethan Drover, who is a member of the boys’ team, said lacrosse possesses many qualities from other sports.
Drover said, “You get the running of any other sport. You get some physicality like you do in football… You get all aspects that one would love from sports.”
Captain of the girls’ team Alyssa Jameson, senior, highlighted the teamwork aspect of lacrosse.
Jameson said, “I like working with a team. If you get down, you always have other people who are there to back you up, instead of just getting in your head.”
Pilapil prioritizes teamwork and said everyone has a place in lacrosse.
He said he gives all his athletes a questionnaire to know what their personal goals are and to figure out where they will fit on the team.
The physical aspects of lacrosse vary greatly.
Drover said, “You got your running aspects; you got that physicality. It rewards all those things. It rewards every aspect of athleticism. Not a lot of sports tap into every single aspect.”
Jameson said the lessons learned from lacrosse apply in real life.
“It’s important that if things are going too fast you know how to slow it down, not only on the field but in real life. You make the best decisions when you’re using your head,” Jameson said.
Pilapil said he recognizes the passion the players have and said they are eager to play the sport.
“The team comradery is growing, and I believe it’s only going to get better.”
The Plainfield Cheetahs girls’ next home game is scheduled against Providence Catholic High School for March 25 at Plainfield South.
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